So when someone has decided to file bankruptcy online they must first research and choose a reputable online bankruptcy service that has good reviews. Checking with consumer protection agencies such as The BBB or any of the many online business review sites is extremely important when searching for a reliable online bankruptcy service.
There is a range of what many of these online services offer as well. For instance, there are some online bankruptcy services that, after paying a small fee, will allow you to download the bankruptcy forms in PDF format so that you can print them out from your own home printer. You then fill out the forms and sign them then take them to the local bankruptcy courthouse for filing. Online services such as these offer no assistance in filling out the bankruptcy forms.
The other issue is that anyone can simply go to their state bankruptcy court website and download these same bankruptcy forms absolutely free of cost. If a debtor has a simple straightforward bankruptcy case and is confident filling out the forms on their own with no assistance or by doing a little research on the Internet to help with the petition, then it would make sense to download the forms for free from the state bankruptcy court website.
Some of the better bankruptcy filing services offer software that inputs all of the information that the debtor has supplied to them on the computer forms and fills it out automatically into the proper areas on the bankruptcy petition. This reduces the chances that the petition will be incorrectly filled out and gives the debtor peace of mind. Some services may even include a review of the forms by a bankruptcy attorney to ensure that everything is complete and correct, for an extra fee of course.
Many people may want to pay a little extra for this added insurance to know that the bankruptcy petition will not be rejected by the court. Using an online bankruptcy filing service can save a lot of time and money for an individual that is already financially strapped, but again, buyer beware as there are many scams and unscrupulous businesses out there and it cannot be stressed enough that one must carefully research any service that they are considering using.
With the growth of the Internet as well as huge advances in software, filing bankruptcy online has become fast, convenient, and inexpensive. Years ago the only option was to hire a bankruptcy attorney which can be pricey. People that could not afford to do this delayed filing because they were too broke to file bankruptcy.
Unfortunately this can have devastating consequences as people lost assets and property that they may have been able to retain if they could have filed for bankruptcy protection. Now people have the choice as to hire a bankruptcy attorney or not. Either way they will end up on the road to financial freedom.
The author is a professional that formed FilingBankruptcyPros.Com which provides information for debtors who want to file bankruptcy
under Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy and helps individuals stop
foreclosure and eliminate their debt by putting them in touch with a
local bankruptcy lawyer.
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