There is no doubt hair loss can have devastating effects on the
confidence of a person. It is seen as a health indicator, with full
lustrous head exhibiting that you are in good health and full of energy.
In our day-to-day affairs, whether socializing with friends or
transacting business deals, we want to convey positive qualities, and
want to look our best. However, if you are young and losing hair, it
would be a challenge to keep up confidence and will even diminish your
chances of attracting your potential partner in life.
Hair loss is simply the thinning of hair on your scalp. In the medical field, it is referred to alopecia. Normally, it occurs gradually with age in both men and women, but it is more noticeable in men. When there is excessive loss of hair from your scalp, it results in baldness.
Major Causes
It's major causes can be attributed to the following:
a) Hair may simply thin as a result of the aging process. It is common among many men and women to notice a mild thinning starting in their thirties and forties.
b) Life variations including severe stress, changes in nutritional intake and hormonal changes such as in pregnancy, menopause and puberty may cause reversible hair loss.
c) Medical research reveals that health conditions, such as thyroid issues and anemia (iron deficiency) can also cause hair loss.
d) It is also a common side effect of certain medical treatments such as immune suppression treatments including chemotherapy commonly used to treat cancer patients.
Pattern in Men
Pattern of hair loss in men is marked by hair receding from the forehead (laterally), more commonly described as receding hairline. It may also include thinning on the crown. The incidence of baldness pattern is based on genetic background. Some start losing hair in their 50's or 60's, but to unfortunate others, it can start sooner, in their 20's and 30's.
Pattern in Women
This problem is not a monopoly of the men however, as it is a growing problem in women too. It is a woman's worst nightmare, for luscious hair is vital in a woman's vanity. Hair loss among women is also based on genetics. It is less likely for women to lose the crown and frontal hairline. The pace of hair loss in women tends to occur gradually, which often take years before it becomes noticeable to others.
Luckily, hair loss is mostly a temporary condition that can be treated as well. Its cures available in the market include prescription pills that makes the hair re-grow, oil or lotion treatments that are applied right to the affected scalp to stimulate growth and in case of severe balding, hair transplant surgery. If your hair loss is attributable to certain medications however, hair may naturally re-grow without treatment. But before considering any treatment, it is important to consult your doctor, so that you do not waste your money, or worse, put your health at risk.
Psychological Effects
Hair loss can be devastating to both men and women. For many people, thinning hair can result in emotional stress such as loss of self-esteem. Among women, hair is associated with beauty, youth and health, so when she loses her hair, she no longer feels attractive. Similarly, men associate hair with virility, so when they start getting bald, they feel a diminished masculinity.
Irrespective of gender, one might be able to find an effective hair loss remedy, in addition to straightening their eating habits and lifestyle. However, one might not be able to fight hair loss caused due to heredity and genetics, other than going for a measure like hair transplantation.
Hair loss is simply the thinning of hair on your scalp. In the medical field, it is referred to alopecia. Normally, it occurs gradually with age in both men and women, but it is more noticeable in men. When there is excessive loss of hair from your scalp, it results in baldness.
Major Causes
It's major causes can be attributed to the following:
a) Hair may simply thin as a result of the aging process. It is common among many men and women to notice a mild thinning starting in their thirties and forties.
b) Life variations including severe stress, changes in nutritional intake and hormonal changes such as in pregnancy, menopause and puberty may cause reversible hair loss.
c) Medical research reveals that health conditions, such as thyroid issues and anemia (iron deficiency) can also cause hair loss.
d) It is also a common side effect of certain medical treatments such as immune suppression treatments including chemotherapy commonly used to treat cancer patients.
Pattern in Men
Pattern of hair loss in men is marked by hair receding from the forehead (laterally), more commonly described as receding hairline. It may also include thinning on the crown. The incidence of baldness pattern is based on genetic background. Some start losing hair in their 50's or 60's, but to unfortunate others, it can start sooner, in their 20's and 30's.
Pattern in Women
This problem is not a monopoly of the men however, as it is a growing problem in women too. It is a woman's worst nightmare, for luscious hair is vital in a woman's vanity. Hair loss among women is also based on genetics. It is less likely for women to lose the crown and frontal hairline. The pace of hair loss in women tends to occur gradually, which often take years before it becomes noticeable to others.
Luckily, hair loss is mostly a temporary condition that can be treated as well. Its cures available in the market include prescription pills that makes the hair re-grow, oil or lotion treatments that are applied right to the affected scalp to stimulate growth and in case of severe balding, hair transplant surgery. If your hair loss is attributable to certain medications however, hair may naturally re-grow without treatment. But before considering any treatment, it is important to consult your doctor, so that you do not waste your money, or worse, put your health at risk.
Psychological Effects
Hair loss can be devastating to both men and women. For many people, thinning hair can result in emotional stress such as loss of self-esteem. Among women, hair is associated with beauty, youth and health, so when she loses her hair, she no longer feels attractive. Similarly, men associate hair with virility, so when they start getting bald, they feel a diminished masculinity.
Irrespective of gender, one might be able to find an effective hair loss remedy, in addition to straightening their eating habits and lifestyle. However, one might not be able to fight hair loss caused due to heredity and genetics, other than going for a measure like hair transplantation.
You can learn about hair loss, its causes, kinds, difference in
patterns in men and women, prevention and treatment, as well as the most
appropriate hair growth product. Simply visit and find what you need.
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