Saturday, April 30, 2016

5 Questions to Ask Your Mechanic

Maintenance is an inevitable part of car ownership, which means dealing with mechanics is necessary whenever your car requires some sort of repair or tune-up. However, many people end up getting overcharged or receiving low-quality service that damages their car or shortens its lifespan when they take their automobile to a mechanic simply because they don't know how to ask the right questions. There are several important questions you should always ask your mechanic when experiencing car trouble or are in need of maintenance before you leave your car in their service to ensure the quality and legitimacy of the service you are receiving.

1. What is the Problem with my Car?

Even if you fancy yourself to be an amateur mechanic with sufficient knowledge about how cars function and the basics of what's going on when your car acts funny, never try to tell a mechanic what is wrong with your car. It's important to let the mechanic figure out the problem themselves rather than just try to fix whatever you declare is wrong in order to ensure that your car receives a thorough check rather than just a sloppy fix that may or may not solve the real problem.

2. Are you Certified?

Trusted auto repair companies and official car manufacturers such as Honda approve thousands of auto shops throughout the nation that are up to their standards of quality. If you want to make sure your car is serviced by an experienced mechanic that will provide thorough, high-quality car care, ask if the shop they work at is certified or the manufacturer of your car.

3. What Credentials do you Have?

Inquiring about the credentials your mechanic and other mechanics that work in the shop have is a perfectly legitimate question to ask before leaving your car for service at an auto shop. Not all mechanics are experienced, professional, or have gone through sufficient education to provide the service they do. In order to ensure that this is not the case with your mechanic, ask about credentials.

4. What Kind of Warranty do you Provide?

Your mechanic should offer a warranty on all services and parts that extends beyond a basic one to three-month period. Before you get your car serviced, ask your mechanic about the warranty they offer on the specific service your car is getting, and make sure it extends to at least one year or ten thousand miles.

5. Do you Use New or Used Parts?

Many mechanics install used parts into cars they service in order to save on money. These used parts can significantly shorten the length of your car's lifespan. Before you hire a mechanic, ask if they use new or used parts, and if they use both depending on the situation. Also, ask if they provide an option so you can ensure that quality parts are being installed in your car.

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