Saturday, July 19, 2014

Common Causes And Treatment Of Acne

Acne is often portrayed as a teenagers' problem. However, acne affects persons of all ages, with 80% of the affected between the age bracket of 11 years and 30 years. For the majority of people, this skin disorder goes away when a person gets to the age of 30 years, although the condition can persist to the 40s and 50s. Acne is often marked by pimples appearing on the face, back, neck, shoulders and chest. The problem is not often serious, although it can cause major emotional distress and permanent scarring of the skin tissue.
  • Facts about acne
There is no known way of preventing development of acne. Furthermore, acne is not caused by failing to wash, poor hygiene or sweating because these factors are not responsible for clogged pores that cause the development of acne.
Although medicated washes that contain salicylic acid, sulfur, resorcinol, and benzoyl are a form of acne treatment, water and simple soap do not treat the problem. In addition, acne formation is not caused by diet, such as chocolate, pizza, fries, or other foods. In fact, there is no scientific connection between acne and diet. Fortunately, acne can be treated.
  • Causes of acne
Common causes of acne are increased sex hormones, such as androgens occurring during puberty. Androgens end up causing sebaceous glands to enlarge, producing excess sebum within hair follicles. Genetics and hormonal changes like stopping the use of birth control medication or pregnancy can also cause acne.
Mild cases of acne often produce white heads and blackheads, with the color being determined by whether plugged follicle remains closed or open (A closed follicles produce white heads). Marks produced by acne can form a lesion, with some of the most troublesome acne lesions being papules, nodules, pustules, and cyst.
  • Acne treatments
Different types of acne treatment are used depending on the severity of the condition. There are several over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription products available to treat mild cases. Topical OTC products are available in many forms, such as gels, creams, soaps, lotions and pads. Typical OTC treatments include resorcinol, benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, and salicylic acid.
People diagnosed with moderate to severe acne inflammation, redness and swelling can be treated using oral medicine, prescription topical medicines or both. However, if the products you are using do not seem to work for you or you have cysts or nodules, it is advisable to seek treatment from a dermatologist.
We provide the best info about acne treatment Delhi. For further details please visit the provided links.
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