Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Quick and Easy Way to Build An Email List From Facebook

If you're like a lot of small business owners, you need to find a simple and efficient solution growing your email list. Most people rely on collecting names and contact info from customers at the register or adding email addresses to their list from business cards they receive at networking meetings. Neither is efficient nor scalable. And if you have tried to use social media to grow your list, then you already know that it's not something you want to do through trial and error.

But when armed with this handy­ dandy little guide for growing your list using Facebook, you can skip the long learning curve, trial and error, and inevitable frustration.
So let's get started...

Step 1: Start by knowing who you want on your list 

As much as you'd like to have everyone as your customer, practicality suggests that only certain
people are going to be interested in what you have to offer. So take a little time to identify who those people are, and focus on reach out to them... and only them

Step 2: Find out what they want... 

Figuring out what your prospects want can be simpler than you might think. There are a few ways to go about it: asking current customers
visiting groups or forums online to see what people are asking researching your topic at to see what titles people are buying surveying your staff to discover what common questions they are getting
The point here is that you really need to listen carefully, and the most obvious pains will rise to the surface.
Once you've figured out what your prospects want, then move on to Step 3...

Step 3: Deliver the goods

This step is commonly known as developing a "lead magnet." It might take the form of a PDF download, a training video, a webinar, or even a discount or voucher offer.
The trick here is just how to deliver the goods using Facebook. And the answer lies in making it easy for your prospects to access what you have to offer. Make the instructions clear, and the path to success as simple as possible.

And this, of course, is where the exchange happens. Your prospect supplies their email address in order to get the goods you are offering.
As you can see, it's not particularly difficult to collect targeted email addresses using Facebook - you just need to complete the process step­ by ­step, and avoid making it complicated. The simpler and more appealing the offer, the more success you'll have in generating leads and building your list.

Bonus Step: Make it easy on yourself!

The biggest challenge in this entire scenario is designing and building out the system for capturing leads and delivering the goods. But it really doesn't have to be complicated at all. In fact, one simple little Facebook marketing tool can do it all for you... and the best part is, it's totally free.

Brought to you by David Baer, helping small businesses and solopreneurs leverage the power of Facebook to grow.
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